HR Savvy Services There are a number of ways we can work with you to give you the HR support you need.

HR Savvy Hotline for on demand HR advice including employee entitlements, industrial relations queries, parental leave, modern awards, performance management, recruitment activity, termination of employment, restructuring and remuneration.

The HR Hotline is available via telephone or email and is designed for businesses that need day to day professional HR advice, without the expense of employing a full time HR Resource.

‘In house’ HR Manager For businesses that need in house HR support for a specific period of time and a range of activities. We can support in a number of key areas including recruitment coordination, drafting of employment contracts, policies and procedures, work place practises training, change management initiatives, leadership coaching, managing underperformance, developing a performance framework and facilitation of restructures including redundancies.

HR Savvy Membership objective advice and support from an HR expert on a regular basis, over a 12 month period. Membership includes discounted rates and a free HR ‘gaps analysis’ upon commencement of membership.

Hourly rate basis We have fixed hourly rates which vary according to the complexity of support required. Once the scope of the work has been identified, we can package up a fixed price for further cost effectiveness. Prices will always be discussed and agreed with you prior to commencement of an engagement.