Most businesses experience challenges with the people aspect of their operation during various critical lifecycle milestones – start-up, growth, transformation and even down-sizing. Many claim that people are their most important asset, but rarely dedicate the same level of time to people issues, until sometimes too late.

Often, the managers and business owners are so busy working ‘in’ the business, or perhaps too close to it, to clearly and objectively identify what the real issues are.

 HR Savvy Consulting offers an HR ‘Audit' service that involves an independent review of the current HR activities in your business by an experienced HR Specialist, which aims to identify people-related opportunities that will assist you in achieving increased productivity in your business and really focus on maximising your investment in your people.

 Working on the same approach as a gap analysis, this solution provides the opportunity to compare the current state of HR activities to that desired for your business, and then set an agreed and prioritised HR program with you.  We work with you to develop practical, sustainable solutions that specifically fit your business. 


The HR Audit is valuable when you are:

  • Experiencing “HR pain” throughout your business, but are not certain where the pain comes from, or what the right sequence of HR solutions or priorities should be.

  • Buying a business and as part of your due diligence activities you need to quickly understand the status of HR activities and programs in a vendor organisation, with a strong focus on non-compliance HR matters.

  • Selling a business and as part of your pre-sale activities you want to ensure your business is HR due diligence ready, with a strong focus on meeting all HR compliance requirements as a minimum.

    To find out more about our independent HR Audit service, please contact us on 0499 119 294 or sarah@hrsavvyconsulting.com.au.
